Gadren Portrait Photography
Gadren Portrait Photography
Portraits in your garden
Gadren Portrait Photography
Hertfordshire Gadren Portrait Photography
Portraits in your garden
Hertfordshire Gadren Portrait Photography
Gadren Portrait Photography
Hertfordshire Gadren Portrait Photography
Portraits in your garden
Hertfordshire Gadren Portrait Photography

Outdoor Portraits during these Covid times

Your Garden, the Local Woods or your Favourite Park

Portraits in your Garden are a wonderful alternative to studio images as well as
The perfect portrait solution to Covid restriction
This style is more suitable for families with children who are of walking age

Outdoor portraiture gives you more excitable expression and movement whereas studio portraiture
gives you wonderful studies of expression, with total control of light
Please ensure you choose the style you like as they are very different

​If you do not have a garden that has adequate space, we can recommend various parks or woodlands

​The sitting fee for garden portraiture is £30
But as always, if you are a Past Client, the sitting fee is Half Price

Click here to make an enquiry.

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